Thursday, May 10, 2012

St. Sendak

I hope to heaven there is heaven for men like this:
If not, maybe literature could canonize its first saint?
Saints without heaven is not contradictory, is it?
As another should-be-saint has said:

Do I contradict myself? 
Very well, then I contradict myself, 
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)
- Song of Myself

"---- them is what i say. 
I hate those ebooks. 
They cannot be the future. 
They may well be. 
I will be dead. 
I won't give a ----"

Oh, the poetry!

Ps. we have a reasonable collection of Sendak's work besides the perennial darling, Where the Wild Things Are (see right).

1 comment:

Ro said...

I was never so at peace with myself until the day I stumbled upon Walt Whitman and that quote.